Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Garden Metaphor

While I was in my garden the other day practicing self-care (gardening is akin to meditation for me) an odd little thought occurred to me.  I was weeding and as I was going through the process I realized how it could relate to counseling and mental heath.  

When weeding a garden it doesn't do much good to pull at pieces of the weeds or just pull the tops of them off because they'll keep coming back.  Using the proper tools for weeding will ensure getting to the root and pulling the entire weed up.  You can then put the pulled up weeds into a composting device and plant the seeds you wish to grow in your garden.

Just like with weeds, if you go into counseling but only pick at the issues bothering you, they will come back.  It will probably be aggravating and maybe even uncomfortable to get to the root of those experiences, but once they have been processed through you can learn from them and good will come of it - just like using weeds for compost.

And just like a garden, mental health must be regularly nurtured and worked on.  It does no good to plant a garden and then leave it on its own.  Gardens need to be watered and weeded regularly so that the seeds you planted grow into strong, healthy plants.  Counseling tends to be the same way....once the roots of the problem are dealt with a person may not need to talk to their counselor as often.  If the problem resurfaces as a weed, then going back to a counselor is a very good idea.

My garden will be growing tomatoes, peppers, herbs, climbing fruits, patience, inner strength, and humility.  What kind of seeds would you like to plant in your garden?

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